grampus' changelog

formatted mm/dd/yy

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02/24/25: finally archived photo and blog pages from 2023-2024.

11/25/24: fixed art link. modified home layout slightly. changed banner.

11/19/24: added art pages. re-added favicons.

07/23/24: added a new guestbook and a link to it. removed chatbox from main page and added an external link to it. added stamps and blinkies to main page.

07/06/24: added a photos/screenshots page.

06/27/24: moved chatbox from unique page onto homepage.

06/25/24: overhauled writing and added a dedicated story page. added custom cursors to all pages. edited a few page titles.

06/21/24: overhauled index and about me. switched from guestbook123 to cbox and added a dedicated chatroom page.

03/17/24: overhauled homepage and blog. added changelog and nier shrine entrance.

01/xx/24: pulled my site down for a couple of months...

08/01/23: added status widget to blog page.

05/28/23: added favicons.

05/27/23: added scrollbars.

05/26/23 overhauled website (again).